
Although most people think only of nuclear weapons when the Cold War is mentioned, the reality is that there were a whole range of weapons developed and provided to the military. The most important were undoubtedly what have come to be known as weapons of mass destruction (WMD). WMD comprise nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. The UK civil defence organisations were trained in all of these, although nuclear weapons were considered as the most threatening.

The weapons considered on this site are all weapons of mass destruction, and nothing is included about methods of delivery - aircraft, naval vessels and missiles. No mention is made of other types of weapons such as tanks, artillery or small-arms. There are plenty of other sources on the web that relate to conventional weapons.

For details of cold war aircraft, visit one (or more) of these sites:

For details of cold war missiles, visit one (or more) of these sites:
Nuclear submarines:

With the exception of videos the site content of Tocsin-Bang by Stephen J. Cook is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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